In 2023, the California Legislature passed the first-of-its-kind Workplace Violence Prevention Act…
Workplace Violence Prevention Act
Categories: California
Categories: California
In 2023, the California Legislature passed the first-of-its-kind Workplace Violence Prevention Act…
Categories: California
In February 2024, California State Senator Dave Cortese introduced Senate Bill (SB) 1299.
Categories: Employment Law
In the spirit of the season, we are using our annual “12 days of the holidays”
Categories: Employment Law
Traditionally, collective bargaining in the U.S. involves labor negotiations with management in one workplace or one company.
Categories: Employment Law
Cal/OSHA has a disturbing pattern. They make a big deal when they announce fines. They are silent when it comes to how much they collect.
Categories: Employment Law
The reasons to hire an employment lawyer are quite simple: an employment lawyer is here to defend your rights and fight for the remunerations you deserve at the workplace.
Categories: Employment Law
One of the scariest things this Halloween season isn’t a ghost, ghoul or goblin; it’s the prospect that Proposition 22 may become law…
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