Cal/OSHA has a disturbing pattern. They make a big deal when they announce fines. They are silent when it comes to how much they collect.
Cal/OSHA Makes Headline… Let’s See If They Announce Results
Categories: Employment Law

Categories: Employment Law
Cal/OSHA has a disturbing pattern. They make a big deal when they announce fines. They are silent when it comes to how much they collect.
Categories: Workers' Compensation
The battle around Assembly Bill 1465 is heating up with many insurance and employer groups waging a full-blown scare tactic assault to prevent the establishment of a statewide MPN.
Categories: Workers' Compensation
Working from home is a situation that has become quite common in the last year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many workers were sent home to work remotely. Some of them have already returned to their workplaces. However, there are still many others who today continue to perform their duties from home.
Categories: Workers' Compensation
We’ve railed against the higher financial costs brought on by delays in medical care as evidenced in a report published late last year, but make no mistake – the highest costs are being paid by the injured workers who end up with a permanent disability because their medical care was delayed.
Categories: Labor Law
Most workers spend more hours at their job than anywhere else. Many of them receive extensive training on their roles, security protocols, procedures, etc.
Categories: Employment Law
The reasons to hire an employment lawyer are quite simple: an employment lawyer is here to defend your rights and fight for the remunerations you deserve at the workplace.
Categories: Workers' Compensation
The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California (WCIRB) has released its study on the cost impacts of delayed medical care due to COVID-19…
Categories: Employment Law
One of the scariest things this Halloween season isn’t a ghost, ghoul or goblin; it’s the prospect that Proposition 22 may become law…
Categories: Workers' Compensation
Farmworkers in California received a big boost last week as Governor Newsom signed a package of bills creating new and expanded safety measures to protect agricultural workers amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Categories: Workers' Compensation
In a major win for worker safety, Cal/OSHA has recently stepped up efforts to protect workers’ from COVID-19 by moving forward on an emergency temporary standard while also citing employers who have failed to instill various safety measures to protect employees.
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