A Life Sadly Lost to Delay

Categories: Workers' Compensation

We’ve railed against the higher financial costs brought on by delays in medical care as evidenced in a report published late last year, but make no mistake – the highest costs are being paid by the injured workers who end up with a permanent disability because their medical care was delayed.

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A Scary Proposition

Categories: Employment Law

One of the scariest things this Halloween season isn’t a ghost, ghoul or goblin; it’s the prospect that Proposition 22 may become law…

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A First for Farmworkers

Categories: Workers' Compensation

Farmworkers in California received a big boost last week as Governor Newsom signed a package of bills creating new and expanded safety measures to protect agricultural workers amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Stepping up for Worker Safety

Categories: Workers' Compensation

In a major win for worker safety, Cal/OSHA has recently stepped up efforts to protect workers’ from COVID-19 by moving forward on an emergency temporary standard while also citing employers who have failed to instill various safety measures to protect employees.

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